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Our Research
- Our Research
- Scientific Overviews
- About the author
- Anise: Potential Health Benefits
- Black Seeds: Potential Health Benefits
- Cardamom: Potential Health Benefits
- Dill: Potential Health Benefits
- Saffron: Potential Health Benefits
- Sesame: Potential Health Benefits
- Vanilla: Potential Health Benefits
- Turmeric: Potential Health Benefits
- Cinnamon: Update of Potential Health Benefits
- Basil: A Brief Summary of Potential Health Benefits
- Coriander: Overview of Potential Health Benefits
- Fenugreek: Overview of Potential Health Benefits
- Rosemary: An Overview of Potential Health Benefits
- Thyme: History, Applications, and Overview of Potential Health Benefits
- Potential Health Benefits of Black Pepper
- Potential Health Benefits of Cloves
- Bay Leaf: Potential Health Benefits
- Cumin: Potential Health Benefits
- Potential Benefit of Spices for Glycemic Control
- Potential Benefits of Spices in Moderating Blood Pressure
- Potential Health Benefits of Cinnamon
- Potential Health Benefits of Ginger
- Potential Health Benefits of Oregano
- Potential Health Benefits of Red Pepper
- Potential Health Benefits of Turmeric
- Research Awards
- The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation (ANDF) Award
- The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) Award
- Reports
- A randomized, controlled trial to assess short-term black pepper consumption on 24-hour energy expenditure and substrate utilization
- Four weeks of spice consumption lowers plasma proinflammatory cytokines and alters the function of monocytes in adults at risk of cardiometabolic disease: secondary outcome analysis in a 3-period, randomized, crossover, controlled feeding trial
- Spices and Herbs Increased Vegetable Palatability among Underserved Urban Adolescents
- Herbs and Spices Modulate Gut Bacterial Composition in Adults at Risk for CVD: Results of a Prespecified Exploratory Analysis from a Randomized, Crossover, Controlled-Feeding Study
- Using Herbs/Spices to Enhance the Flavor of Commonly Consumed Foods Reformulated to Be Lower in Overconsumed Dietary Components Is an Acceptable Strategy and Has the Potential to Lower Intake of Saturated Fat and Sodium: A National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Analysis and Blind Tasting
- Cinnamon Spice & Continuously Monitored Glycemic Response In Adults With Prediabetes: A 4-Week Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial
- Bioavailability of Herbs and Spices in Humans as Determined by ex vivo Inflammatory Suppression and DNA Strand Breaks
- Black pepper and vegetable oil-based emulsion synergistically enhance carotenoid bioavailability of raw vegetables in humans
- Capsaicin increases sensation of fullness in energy balance, and decreases desire to eat after dinner in negative energy balance
- Characterization and Pharmacokinetic Profile of Herbs and Spices’ Phytochemicals over 24 h after Consumption in Overweight/Obese Adults
- Comparison of Capsaicin and Capsiates Effects at a Meal
- Determinants of a Consumer’s Intention to Consume Antioxidant-infused Sugar-free Chewing Gum: Measuring Taste, Attitude, and Health Consciousness
- Effect of Morning vs. Evening Turmeric Consumption on Urine Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Obese, Middle-Aged Adults: A Feasibility Study
- Functional sugar‐free chewing gum infused with spices bolsters antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of saliva
- Gut enterotypes are stable during Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus probiotic supplementation
- Health-Related Messages About Herbs, Spices, and Other Botanicals Appearing in Print Issues and Websites of Legacy Media: Content Analysis and Evaluation
- Nutrition Education in Primary Care: Comparing Video vs Handout Interventions
- Nutrition Impact Symptoms in Relation to Head and Neck Cancer Survivor’s Vegetable Intake and Use of Seasoning
- Vegetable Intake in People With Type 2 Diabetes
- Online Nutrition Education Videos Teaching How to Use Herbs and Spices to Improve Diet Quality
- Bitter Phytochemicals Acutely Lower Blood Glucose Levels by Inhibition of Glucose Absorption in the Gut
- Spices and Herbs Increase Vegetable Palatability Among Military Service Members
- Effects of Culinary Spices on Liking and Consumption of Protein Rich Foods in Older Adults
- Herbs and Spices Improve Blood Pressure in Adults at Risk of Cardiometabolic Diseases
- Impact of Test Meals with Herbs and Spices on Endothelial Function and Postprandial Glucose Control
- Acute Effects of Cinnamon Spice on Post-prandial Glucose and Insulin
- Larger serving size and seasoning’s role in consumer behaviors toward vegetables
- The addition of spices and herbs to vegetables in the National School Lunch Program increased vegetable intake at an urban, economically-underserved, and predominantly African-American high school
- Role of seasoning vegetables on consumer behavior: Purchase, intake, liking, and intention to pay for larger servings
- The effect of culinary doses of spices in a high-saturated fat, high-carbohydrate meal on postprandial lipemia and endothelial function: a randomized, controlled, crossover pilot trial
- Spices in a High-Saturated-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Meal Reduce Postprandial Proinflammatory Cytokine Secretion in Men with Overweight or Obesity
- The Impact of Herbs and Spices on Increasing the Appreciation and Intake of Low-Salt Legume-Based Meals
- Mixed Spices at Culinary Doses Have Prebiotic Effects in Healthy Adults: A Pilot Study
- Effects of Cinnamon Spice on Postprandial Plasma Levels of Glucose and Insulin in Healthy Participant with Normal Weight
- The Postprandial Effect of Spice Consumption Delivered in a High-Fat Meal on Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Secretion in Overweight Obese Men
- Using Herbs and Spices to Increase Vegetable Intake Among Rural Adolescents
- Herbs and spices increase liking and preference for vegetables among rural high school students.
- The Influence of Adding Spices to Reduced Sugar Foods on Overall Liking
- Consumer Acceptance Comparison Between Seasoned and Unseasoned Vegetables
- Prebiotic Potential and Chemical Composition of Seven Culinary Spice Extracts
- Influence of Seasoning on Vegetable Selection, Liking and Intent to Purchase
- Effects of a behavioral intervention that emphasizes spices & herbs on adherence to recommended sodium intake
- Spice MyPlate: Nutrition Education Focusing Upon Spices and Herbs Improved Diet Quality and Attitudes Among Urban High School Students
- The Impact of Spices on Vegetable Consumption - A Pilot Study
- Turmeric & Black Pepper & Lipid Peroxidation of Meat Patties
- Effects of culinary spices and psychological stress on postprandial lipemia and lipase activity
- The Influence of Herbs, Spices, and Regular Sausage and Chicken Consumption on Liking of Reduced Fat Breakfast and Lunch Items
- Enhancing consumer liking of lower salt tomato soup over repeated exposure by herb and spice seasonings
- The influence of herbs and spices on overall liking of reduced fat food
- Effect of Black Pepper & Rosemary on Attention, Motivation, Mental Energy & Fatigue
- Capsaicin, Energy Expenditure & Fat Oxidation
- Effect of Dips with Herbs & Spices on Preschooler Liking of Vegetables
- Effect of spiced hamburger consumption on cardiovascular health in men with Type 2 Diabetes
- Capsaicin, Fullness & Energy Expenditure
- Rosemary and Cognitive Function
- Metabolic Effects of a Spice Containing Meal
- Red Pepper, Thermogenesis and Appetite
- Effects of Antioxidant rich Spice Added to Hamburger During Cooking
- Ginger and Muscle Pain
- Acute effects of dietary ginger on quadriceps muscle pain during moderate-intensity cycling exercise
- Influence of Red Pepper Spice and Turmeric on Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Overweight Females
- Spice and Herb Use with Vegetables: Liking, Frequency, and Self-efficacy among US Adults
- Vegetables Herbs and Spices: The Importance of Family and Tasting
- Review Paper on Red Pepper and Energy Balance
- Active Projects
MSI PubMed Search
- MSI PubMed Search
- Culinary Spices
- Common Spices and Herbs
- Black Pepper
- Cinnamon
- Cloves
- Coriander
- Ginger
- Cumin
- Fenugreek
- Oregano
- Paprika
- Red Pepper
- Rosemary
- Saffron
- Sage
- Sesame Seed
- Thyme
- Turmeric
- Vanilla
- World Spices & Herbs
- Common Spices and Herbs
- History of Spices
- MSI Summit
- 2014 Summit Conference Proceedings
- McCormick Science Institute Science Summit - Spices and Herbs: Improving Public Health Through Flavorful Eating - A Call to Action
- Spices and Herbs: Improving Public Health Through Flavorful Eating
- The Potential of Spices and Herbs to Improve the Health of the Public Through the Combination of Food Science and Nutrition
- Oxidative Stress Markers and Inflammation: The Role of Spices and Herbs
- Red Pepper Can Enhance Energy Metabolism and Satiety
- Spices and Herbs May Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- Cinnamon and Glucose Homeostasis: A Review of the Literature
- The Effect of Spices and Herbs on Acceptance of Reduced-Fat/Reduced-Calorie Food
- Spice MyPlate: A Pilot Nutrition Education Intervention Focusing on Spices and Herbs Improved Diet Quality and Attitudes Toward Healthier Eating Among Baltimore High School Students
- The Importance of Flavor in Dietary Counseling
- Spices and Herbs in the Development of Healthier Menus
- Spice and Herb Extracts in the Development of Healthier Products
- Transforming Trusted Brands: The Art of Consumer Insights and Science to Deliver Health
- Spices and Herbs and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Spices and Herbs: Improving the Public Health
- Translating the Science Into Actionable Next Steps to Improve Public Health Through Flavorful Eating
- 2014 Summit Speakers
- 2014 Summit Recipes
- MSI Session at FENS